I hate Pixmania.
And if you have found this blog, you probably hate Pixmania too.
Why I personally hate Pixmania
- I bought a tv from Pixmania. It was relatively cheap. I thought: "Buying stuff on the internet from a large, well-known company is pretty safe these days, isn't it?"
- Well, isn't it?
- The TV arrived with two large holes through it (forklift truck).
- Pixmania refused to come and retrieve their damaged product. I supposedly should have opened the box IMMEDIATELY and inspected the product IMMEDIATELY. I made the fatal error of drinking a cup of tea and eating a chocolate biscuit before inspecting my LCD TV.
- After three weeks of phoning three girls in Romania (Radia, Admina, Dragana) who represent Pixmania's 'Customer Services Department' on a premium-rate line which shuts down over the weekend and after sending various emails to Pixmania (all ignored) and to their parent company DSGI (also ignored), they finally came round to the fact that sending me a damaged TV wasn't part of our deal.
- Even after they'd agreed to the fact that the fault was their's (it only took two months to achieve this), I still had to chase them again for another fortnight before they finally sent someone from Curry's to pick the TV up (Curry's is in cahoots with Pixmania, but not in a useful we-can-actually-do-something-to-help-you way).
- I opted for a refund and waited another few weeks as no refund was forthcoming.
- I phoned Radia, Admina and Dragana, whom by now I'd spent more time talking to in 2008 than friends and family and was told the refund had been made (it hadn't).
- Weeks passed.
- I phoned again. And again. And emailed. And phoned. And begged. And wept. And pleaded.
- Finally, after three months of emailing, phoning and pleading with this company on an almost daily basis, James Felix (Pixmania's 'Customer Service Director' - hard to imagine what he does all day for a company whose 'customer service' consists of three Romanian women answering calls in a prefabricated shed near the village of Voinesti) sent me an email to say that "The reimbursement will be available on your account in 30 business days".
- Thirty business days to make a bank transfer!?!
- So, it's win-win for Pixmania it seems. They deliver damaged goods. They hold my money for three months, get me to pay fifty pounds in phone calls to their premium lines, and when they finally return my cash to me, do so in a ridiculously contorted and drawn out manner, making further interest on my moolah.
This is why I hate Pixmania.
If you hate them too, join me in warning the world of their crapness (this can be done in the Comments section).
(BTW, I hate James Felix too. Hard to get angry with the Romanian 'customer service' ladies, though. Especially when you find out that Pixmania is only paying them about 10p an hour for putting up with our pissed off ranting and raving.)
Can you send me James Felix email address, please? Thank you.
I've just had a crappy customer service experience with Pixmania.
I wish I'd have paid the extra £2 to order from the quick and ever reliable Dabs!
My fault for trying to save some money :(
I hate Pixmania too. They have never delivered the camera I order (in Sept 2008) and will not give me a refund. They say that it is not their fault/responsibility because their courier company delievered it to some random person (who was clearly not me and whose details were not verified) so it's out of their hands. Could you put James Felix's email address on this webpage please.
I hate pixmania too.
I placed an order and paid for next day delivery (£14) because I needed it urgently and my usual providers did not have it in stock.
Didn't look like Poxmania did either, as it sat 'awaiting approval' and not being processed for a couple of days. Try to get a refund out of these guys! 'You can email us your bank details' - but there's no email address on the whole site - nobody answers the phone.
On top of that, when you order something, it tries to add a £30 price guarantee and a £7 loyalty scheme into your basket without asking you. James Felix, you total c0ck.
Can I just say I hate Pixmania too - I bought something, cancelled the order, they delivered it, and as instructed on their website, I refused delivery. Now they refuse to refund my money "because they can't find the item."
I've written to their chief exec and I await an outcome....
Another pixmania hater here!
The story is too long and complicated to put on this website, but it resulted in us not having any pictures of our own from our wedding and honeymoon, plus a heap of costs and stress and incompetent people.
I have ordered an LCD TV from Pixmania and minutes later I stumbled across these posts and other bad reviews about that company on the internet.
Feeling a bit apprehensive, I decided to cancel the order a couple of hours after I ordered it. I received a mail stating that I will received further notification about cancellation in 24 hours. Since it was a Saturday, I guessed I would received an answer only on Monday.
On Monday morning at 10am I checked my order on the website and it wasn't yet validated. I figured that since the team will see my order and find my immediate cancellation, they would cancel my order properly. To my utter dismay (and was dreading it a bit), at 11am they validated the order and went through with "preparing" the order.
They sent me a mail saying that they can't cancel it, that I will have to refuse delivery and wait for it to get back to warehouse for a refund.
I wasn't going to let them walk on my feet like this. I quickly emailed Alice Walker and put Suzanne Delsol in copy, stating that this was unacceptable and that I would like to cancel the order and receive an immediate refund. Alice Walker was very helpful and 30 minutes later my order was fully cancelled and my paypal account was refunded in FULL.
Then I headed to Amazon, inquired a bit more and bought the exact same LCD monitor for the same price. I recommend anyone who encounters problems like these to immediately contact Alice Walker (a.walker@pixmania.com) and Suzanne Delsol (s.delsol@pixmania.com).
I hate Pixmania too
I bought a camera and when the paquet arrive, the inside was empty.Watch my comic to see wath happen http://siruanimation.blogspot.com/search/label/Artista%20incomprendido
Count me in!
I have received the worst customer service I have ever experienced from Pixmania and it has taken me two and a half months to get my money back.
I won't bore you with the whole story but the 'highlight' was probably delivering a top of the range GPS I had cancelled (after they told me they could not supply it!) to a neighbour I had never met. They just dumped it on him and drove off. Didn't even bother leaving me a card to say they had called. As it had been cancelled I was none the wiser and it was only when my honest neighbour turned up with it that I realised what had happened.
Needless to say they then promised to pick it up and failed to do so on numerous occasions ("our IT system is down and has been for months.") Meanwhile, their customer service department was friendly but clueless and was powerless to do anything. They were not even allowed to make phone calls or send emails...seriously.
I got my revenge though by sending the weblinks for a couple of the many pages of Pixmania problems to the CEO of Fotovista, the ultimate parent company of Pixmania. That finally got their attention, in case you don't know it it is: s.rosenblum@fotovista.com
I recommend this as the only way to get your money back.
Pixmania ist ein unseriöses Unternemen!!
Ich habe vor drei Monaten eine CD-Speicherbox bestellt, welche nicht mehr geliefert werden konnte. Die Rechnung wurde vorab mit Kreditkarte bezahlt. Trotz dreifacher Reklamation durch E-Mail an das Service-Center mit Angabe von meiner Bankverbindung kam keine Reaktion. Auf meine schriftliche 2. Mahnung (Einschreiben)erfolgte auch keine reaktion.
Kurt Königer
Pixmania ist ein unseriöses Unternemen!
Ich habe vor drei Monaten eine CD-Speicherbox bestellt, welche nicht mehr geliefert werden konnte. Die Rechnung wurde vorab mit Kreditkarte bezahlt. Trotz dreifacher Reklamation durch E-Mail an das Service-Center mit Angabe von meiner Bankverbindung kam keine Reaktion. Auf meine schriftliche 2. Mahnung (Einschreiben) erfolgte auch keine reaktion.
Kurt Königer
Pixmania ist ein unseriöses Unternemen!
Ich habe vor drei Monaten eine CD-Speicherbox bestellt, welche nicht mehr geliefert werden konnte. Die Rechnung wurde vorab mit Kreditkarte bezahlt. Trotz dreifacher Reklamation durch E-Mail an das Service-Center mit Angabe von meiner Bankverbindung kam keine Reaktion. Auf meine schriftliche 2. Mahnung (Einschreiben) erfolgte auch keine reaktion.
Kurt Königer
In spain they are so bad, the send you an e-mail to comment about the service and the link doesn´t work
I hate them myself.
Read my experience at http://damnpixmania.blogg.no and join the damnpixmania group on facebook.
After receiving a defective Blu-Ray player that was to be the 'family Christmas present' I sent it back after eliciting a promise that it would be replaced immediately on receipt of the defective one; oh the naivety!
My current letter to pixmania:
Dear Sir
to be honest this is a less than adequate response.
Firstly, I originally paid for an expidited delivery, to then return the goods by the slowest means available to you is nothing less than insulting.
As this means of transport offers no tracking facility and you have, therefore, not seen fit to provide me with a means of verifying the veracity of your claim that the goods have been shipped, I am forced to continue with my pursuit of compensation through my credit card company. This is because on no less than three previous occasions I have been assured that a replacement player would be dispatched only to find that that was not the case.
I also note that your email just happens to have been sent on the 21 day anniversary of yur receipt of my returned defective item; the date you originally decided to promise to meet dealing with my complaint, despite having assured me that a new player would be dispatched 'by return' on receipt of the defective one.
As a result I find your entire customer care offering to be a laughable fiasco - and I shall, in future, proactively, urge any and all of my friends to never shop with you
Yours Sincerely
Well what can one say other than I'll never give this lot another penny of my hard earned. I ordered a Wii Fit Plus with balance board at the begining of December 09. I still haven't received it even though the web site shows it as in stock and having received an email saying that have it. Every time I call customer services I'm tolds its not in stock, even whilst looking at their web site which says it is... I did manage to get them to admit it was in stock but they had it from a different supplier to the one used for my order. I really couldn't give a fig about who they get their stock from, it really shouldn't be my problem but apparently it is. In addition their customer services are appalling and do not call back when they have promised.
I also hate pixmania. I ordered three external hardrives as presents over a month ago. Like you I tot "Big internet company, cant go wrong ordering from them". a month later im still waiting on my order, ive emailed and phoned and each time im told that the items are out of stock and that the manufacturer has not told them when they will receive the stock, even though their website says that it is in stock!
I will NEVER order from them again. I dont even understand how they are still in business considering that they dont actually do anything other than screw people around!
Try j.felix@pixmania.com. seemed to send.
Although I did receive my package from Pixmania, and I was satisfied by the product, it took almost 3 weeks to deliver (it says 10 days on their website). Never buying from them again.
Hello Can we create proper Ihatepixmania facebook account and share it with all the people tricked by pixmania. If i read it before i wouldnt buy anything from them?????
Bad experience me too from Italy.
I ordered a Sandy Bridge Motherboard and a cpu Intel 2100t. Paid through paypal and received the confirmation email. After that i check on the site in my account section and the order was disappeared. I call help desk and they inform me their servers had problems and the orders of two days (13 and 14th may 2011) were loss. I resend them the parts that i have order but nothing. They promise me a refound and they say me that it was done on 19th may but until now 26th may i haven't received it. I recall every days looking for resolve the situation but unsucessfully. Last time, today, they said me that they have contacted the account department.
I will never buy somethings else from this crap online shop.
You are advice. Stay away from Pixmania
I've already posted my story on other forums so I won't repeat it other than to say that Pixmania are by far the worst online retailer I have ever dealt with. Their customer service is also the worst I have ever come across. Its hard to tell if its incompetence or just plain dishonesty with Pixmania.
If you have already purchased from Pixmania and have similar problems to us, contact your credit card provider immediately and request a full refund from them.
A couple of e-mail links at Pixmania are:
s.rosenblum@fotovista.com is Steve Rosenblum. He is one of the bosses.
a.walker@pixmania.com is Alice Walker. She is a Supervisor and her assistant is Suzanne Delsol e-mail s.delsol@pixmania.com
Pixmania want you to send complaints to mediator_uk@pixmania.com
Spread the word!
First of all...I admit that Pixmania is not the dream company, and that it does not respect its promises. However, @Steve: How do you that"'customer service' consists of three Romanian women answering calls in a prefabricated shed near the village of Voinesti)". WRONG. If every one of your calls was answered by the same three persons, it does not mean that those are the only persons working there.So, FYI, back in 2008 there were 30 persons working for Pixmania at the customer service department, and it was indeed in Romania,and more precisely in Timisoara (google it and see that it has nothing to do with 'Voinesti').
They delivered me a tv with a cracked screen. I took pics of the box unopened, and they said I should have checked it while the delivery man was present! It's been 3 months now with no refund...
I can't find James Felix's email address, although as he works for the same company it's probably j.felix@fotovista.com
I have, however, found his linkedin.com page - so message away at your heart's content!
A customer services manager who services no customers... let him know what you think of him.
How did you get them to deliver to Romania, there is no version of the website for Romania.
Also when trying to make an account there is no option to chose Romania as a country
this company pixmania .com r a bunch of sharks,they sent me a plug instead of a camera,and wont have non of it that i didnt receive a camera bastards
Too bad you had such trouble with pixmania, guys. I ordered Cowon J3 wih the 24-48h shipping and it arrived as promised. It had shipping tracking as well, so it's not all bad. Think of it this way - if all customers experienced trouble like you guys did - pixmania would, probably, be out of business by now.
Take care,
Nice one, #originalchoice. However, there are a LOT of people out there who have been ripped / robbed by this shoddy outfit.
I am beginning to hate Pixmania. Ordered a PVR on Dec25 to replace my died-in-xmas-eve pvr. TRACKING? Not a chance. Website says "despatched". No date. I should have had an email saying when despatch was to happen. Nada. This is unresolved as yet, but I smell an online rat. 8a5tards.
I myself have just been through the wars with pixmania trying to buy a laptop. I was able to confirm after six days of non-receipt of my order that their courrier Yodel had lost my parcel. After two weeks and a bunch of e-mails James Felix was delighted to give me a refund. I didnt ask for a refund, now if I want to buy it I have to pay £50 more because the offer is no longer on. I hate Pricksmania. I have sent them a curse.
I would just like to say that there service is still shoddy, Contacted them today to find out that status of a order as I paid 35 pounds for a 24-48 shipping, when my item was not showing up as being shipped today over 24 hours after my order was placed I got on the phone, and was told by the lady who answered said it can take up to 48 hours to get a item to a courier.
So I asked what was the point in paying for speedy delivery when you cant even get it to the courier for 48 hours.
I then asked to cancel my order and she said that they could not because it could be out for delivery that's when I stated how can it be u just said it was not. so finaly she said she would be contacting dispatch to see what the status of my order was.
I could go on and on but have the strongest feeling that they are a company with little control over there own orders and will not be using them again full stop, I only ordered because it was saving me 35 pounds but it just is not worth dealing with them wondering where my item is or whats going to happen.
I left the phone call feeling even less reassured.
Yep another Crap Service report. Won't go in the details but they screwed up my repair, they took 4 weeks to send it to the manufacture, tell them an issue which was not what I told them and then the manufacture saying nothing wrong so Pixmania sending it back to me unrepaired.
It's just annoying those who read this experience are usually too late. Someone really needs to make people aware before they make the transaction.
Here's hoping Pixmania collapse
Sent me a Digital EOS Camera to Ireland with Spanish/Italian/Germany/French manuals, each manual was an inch thick. No English Manual! They sent me a photocopy of an English Manual. Absolute fools. €1000 camera and they think a photocopy is acceptable. Also came with Euro plug and don't get me started on the fact the debacle of trying to pay with their gift voucher! They decided to ignore the gift voucher value and charged my credit card for the full value of the camera. BEWARE DO NOT BUY PIXMANIA VOUCHERS...even as a gift, unless you really hate the person you're being forced to buy for!
I bought a 19" LCD TV that proved to be faulty. Before I bought I contacted customer Service to ask that if I had a problem, could I deal with Currys as the TV was a Curry's own Essential TV? I was told I could so I made the purchase. On returning the faulty item to Currys I was informed that this was not the case.
Pixmania customer services have been appalling, necessitating in excess of 20 emails in order to get to where I am now - A refund of the item, delivery costs and a partial refund of return delivery costs, why I have only received a partial refund I do not know yet, I expect another 5 emails or more may shed some light on the matter. This has been a battle! Responses to emails are forthcoming but the undertaking of what is promised is not, and when you follow up an email their customer service team do not bother to check the history of the case and ask for the same information over and over.
The laziness of their staff is unbelievable and continuously being told something is going to be done without anything happening is infuriating.
I just wish I had done some research about this joke outfit before I dealt with them and I may have been able to avoid wasting so much of my time.....I shall NEVER deal with them again....
....On a lighter note, a friend bought an ipod from these idiots which had to go back, after a lot of hassle she managed to get her money back and because they simply cannot get their act together they also sent her out a new ipod. At least it's good to know that their incompetence also produces good results sometimes.
F U Pixmania you bunch of C's :)
There are two 'P's in Crappy and one dick in the new Take That.
I hate pixmania! On the contract I signed it was written, that in case of returning the product I WILL RECIEVE MY MONEY RIGHT IN THE MOMENT I RETURN THE PRODUCT, I am waiting centuries to be refunded, no answer of my e-mails, nothing! I am sorry i did not find this blog before I made this mistake TO BUY FROM PSIMANIA.
What can I say...
I wish I'd seen this site before I placed an order with these idiots.
Placed an order and then the box arrives. Took a week but what the hey!
Opened box to discover that contents were not protected in ANY way. Processor and memory broken, never seen such a waste.
Reported the problem and waited, and waited. Then they demanded photos.
Took loads of photos, and waited and waited.
They then decided to blame the courier, and start an investigation (5 more days!)
I clearly explained that the courier could not possibly be at fault, as they'd not bothered to package the items securely.
I was ignored!
Asked them to resend the broken parts, and arrange for collection.
No can do until 5 day investigation has completed!
Told them I needed the parts urgently, and would buy a second set. They could refund the first broken set later. They refused stating that whilst the investigation (pointless) was underway, they would not send me anything else.
I called their customer support line (sic) and got nowhere, just wasted more time and money!
This morning, I placed a new order with amazon, and expect a faultless delivery and support experience.
Contacted my credit card, and began a chargeback process on Pixmania to recover my funds.
I will cancel my account, and I suggest that anybody considering using them in future think long and hard. I for one would never ever consider Pixmania.
I believe Pixmania operate on the basis of fraudulent revenue generation from call center premium rate lines, they actively promote items that are not in stock, delay refunds, and of course the balance sheet benefits of sitting on clients cash. This is particularly shocking when you realise the holding company is Dixons, the UK retailer. I was about to set up another website called neverbuyfrompixmania.com but found this site as well as a few others, we should put all the content together to improve the review sites SEO placement in google, so more prospective customers are forewarned before they part with their money!
There are no such person as James Felix
Can you imagine that one man signs day by day thousands of letters?
Might be Im wrong..
Might be there is James Felix
He must be very popular man according amount of complaints, so google must to have some pictures about this person
Show me one and prove me that James Felix is real
Can you imagine movie about James Felix from Pixmania
In movie there is a man who goes every single day to work, reading and answering for endless count of letters.. Leaving from work very late, worring about his customers a lot, might be get his personal money involved to satisfy Pixmania clients..Not married, no kids, no friends..young man but looks already very old, big beard,long hair,stinking..but working very very hard..
I asked yesterday them to cancel my pixmania account and today I received message from them:
Unfortunately there is no question in the email and I do not understand what you are enquiring about. Please specify your request, so we can help you accordingly.
Bile of disabled humpa lumpas..
have sent e mail to every address given here. item out of stock but still charged. thank goodness i used paypal so should be able to get money back easily enough.
strange, i ordered a panasonic home cinema system from them back in 2007 for a price far cheaper than every UK retailer and sure enough it turned up on time. Was very happy with the purchase until the motor burned out in the player after about 12 months i guess. Contacted them as it was still under warranty, they requested for me to send them back the player so that they could examine it for themselves and promised to pay back the shipping cost. So i sent it back to them and within a week I had heard back from them saying that they acknowledge the fault and are willing to offer a full refund in store credit (which I was happy about as in that week i found another home cinema system on their site which I wanted so it worked out fine for me, especially as I still have the speakers from the original home cinema system) and without fail the new home cinema system turned up nice and promptly. No problems at all, gleaming reviews from me back then.
I have been looking at buying a tv from them recently and saw that they had an "ex-display model" for a lower price. After reading all these reviews I'm wondering if they are just going to ship back out one of these broken ones that everyone here seems to have sent back. Think I might avoid it afterall.
I bought a Mac-book Air from their Swedish website,after paying it happened to be out of stock, so I waited and they changed their estimated availability date 4 time during 5 days, Jesus!
It arrived but chassis was twisted, so I wanted to return it, to where? to France!!! seriously? it took a week to be delivered by UPS because they have payed for the cheapest Standard return service from UPS, two days after delivery it isn't registered yet and they are WAITING for my package!
was 900 SEK cheaper worth it?
big NO :(
Ordered a speaker system from them, came with an EU plug and the incorrect EU to UK adaptor. Sent out a replacement that was exactly the same. Have had to purchase a non JBL power supply which has p****d me off. Please avoid they are scheisters.
Another Pixmania rant-- I bought a TV from them - it doesnt work properly - called Toshiba and they advised it was a "French" market manufactured one and thats why I was having issues? so had to deal with Pixmania - took three calls and then to another company "knowhow" for a RMA - this also took three calls in all 3.5 hours at 5p per minute... I am to expect a email regarding pick up - still dont have it. Luckily used paypal so will use their dispute process (which I know works)!. Oh how I wish I had seen this site before using Pixmania - you just "know" that everything that comes out of their mouths is about getting you off the line - As an ex customer service VP this should be made into a "how not too" film for customer service staff
Thanks for the warning about these guys. Was going to order a tv (prices were too good to be true I thought) and found this site but will go the the local supplier or Argos now even though it'll cost a bit extra.
PS Would love to hear from someone who got good service from Pixmania or do they exist?
Don't buy from pixmania; they are properly incompetent. I am staggered they are still operating.
I have placed an order with this company on 10th September, showing item in stock...and then after checking...and having placed my order...they tell me no stock. Yet, every single day I check the site it states its still in stock and available...several emails and many lies later I am NO nearer to receiving my order. No customer service over the weekend and many emails ignored. Thankfully I paid via my bank and CC do will get them to get my money back. People really ought to inform trading standards and get this sham of a company shut down once and for all...scum bags the lot of them and some foreigners constantly lying to you... Buy British and screw these bastards... Don't waste your time people..they will rob you blind, lie through their teeth to you and refuse you refund...
Thank you for all this information guys, I was about to place an order with pixmania but after a horrible experience with PKR TECHNOLOGY LTD in UK buying through ebay I decided to make my homework and check for pixmania's reliability. Thank you all for your comments, I will spend 15€ or whatever it takes more to make sure I get the order in my hands at the time I want and don't have to be chasing after unacceptable unpresentable and inexistent customer service departments.... Buying online sucks
BTW I should open a "I hate PKR Technology" blog, it's a great idea
ps: I also hate robot verification codes, I can't get it right and it's my 10th attempt
I bought a camera from Pixmania which became faulty within a week. I spent hours on the phone trying to get it resolved, I had to pay £££ to send it back to France and chased it up a week later. After several calls calling their premium rate number, I got a refund after 4 months! NEVER EVER AGAIN!
I ordered a 90 euro Tablet on 23/11/12 for my daughters christmas present.After 12 days waiting and 4 premium rate calls no joy so i used this Blog and Alice Walker(european mediation Manager)who in fairness to her obviously b****ked the supplier who told her it was dispatched 2/12/12.Got it 2 days later.Wrong Tablet/second hand/faulty.lost the plot!!! Alice walker then received a further 10 emails regarding this.Yet again Alice came through with a promise from the supplier to send a replacement and to keep the useless one(in bin now)I actully got it on StStephens day after a lot of explaining to my daughter that santa had dropped it on the roof Christmas was not ruined and was gived 15 euro pixpiggy credit by Alices assistant MsDesol.I have to say that theses two ladies were helpful but the underlying problems with this company are control of their suppliers very por management.
So to sum up if you want any action on a complaint/delivery use
Is this some kind of fake page? I am a retailer in PC's and I buy over 2000 euros of hardware a week these days. I always get my products in an acceptable timeframe. Returning products is just great. UPS comes to pick up products for free or I can send the bill of the local post office and Pixmania refunds it.
Faulty products are almost never repaired but replaced or refunded. Customer service is always very friendly, prices are very low.
For a company having so many products and working with more than 40,000 people this is the biggest and most reliable company in the EU.
The stories here are a joke. How can Pixmania result in losing pictures of your wedding? Do you really use a cheap digital camera to take pictures on your wedding?
A TV with 2 holes from a the truck in it? Oh common, please.
Me too I'm having problems with Pix Mania...still hope they want to save their reputation and I still receive my order, but...
They claim they don't know where my money is, as if this is any of my concern.
Anyway, the problem with these companies is that you people are not complaining in the right place.
I'm in Belgium and the law here is a bit shady, it doesn't protect consumers much.
But "The contract is automatically dissolved if the ordered goods are not delivered within 30 days following the day after the order was placed. If you have already paid the seller, he is required to refund you within 30 days."
You can find help by country here:http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/redress_cons/schemes_en.htm
The s.rosenblum@fotovista.com no longer works... :(
I ordered a new 46in tv and soundbar from Pixmania.co.uk
I specifically went with them for the 24-48hr delivery. It is now the 6th working day since we ordered.
I have emailed them 3 times to no reply whatsoever.
I have called 7 times chasing it up, to again sit listening to be told "an operator will be with you in 3mins 43secs to then be cut off 4 times.
Eventually i got through and spoke to a young lady who told me that the item was not dispatched due to a problem with the payment? not all the money was received.
I called my credit card company who stated the payment went through in full on the day ordered.
I called back to pixmania (a man this time) who told me that he couldnt understand why i was told that, and that full payment was received and that he said that there is a delay of SOMEKIND? in their warehouse? Well if you dont know, who does?
I just want my tv, my wife is 9 months pregnant and we are decorating the main room and all the items i ordered from elsewhere has all been delivered.
This is the worst customer service i have dealt with. I dont know when i or if i will get my new tv and whats worse is that nor does pixmania by the sound of it.
How can the company you buy from not know when or even where your items are?
V unhappy customer
The service is just as bad France. I've had dealings with these clowns in both the UK and France and they are just as bad in both counties. If you have a problem with them, as someone quite rightly said, just contact your credit card provider or Paypal and let them deal with it.
Don't be tempted by their special offers, you can get almost the same deal elsewhere and only CDiscount has such customer services as bad.
I am romanian and I can tell you that "Radia, Admina, Dragana" are not romanian names. Very weird names, maybe Dragana is romanian but is very very rare. And 'Admina' is a joke maybe :)) Admin-a ?
Someone is lying, maybe the author, maybe those girls, maybe Pixmania.
Customer care executives are asked to use different names. (It should be made illegal). So, I am not surprised if the names do not match the geography. I am an Indian and sometimes my calls end up in India. The executive tells me in a make believe accent that he is Chris which I am sure is not his real name. I am not angry. Just feeling sorry for him not being able to use his name. (They have their own reasons. Westerners can not - read care less to - understand the names correctly.
Anyway, I am happy to know that Pixmania is part of PC World before I made an order. I had a terrible experience with PC World a year or so ago. It took months to refund my canceled order which was never dispatched. Fortunately, I got a local PC World shop number and the email ids of some real people there. Many emails and phone calls later I got my money back. Never again.
Just experienced terrible service from Pixmania, and when I submitted a very honest review of the product I bought, the moderator removed it. Shows how valuable their customer feeback is - if you say anything negative, they just delete it!
I can't recall what I bought from pixmania (maybe nothing). But i made the fatal mistake of registering for their emails. Now no matter what I do they now keep spamming me (every day).
- I unsubscribe EVERY ONE
- I have tweeted endlessly that they spam me - they reply tat I need to unsubscribe
- I have posted to their facebook page alerting them to this. They won't display my post - even though it is with the T&Cs (I guess they refuse to have anything negative on their page)
- There are no UK addresses on their UK web site
I like you email contacts - I will give those a go.
I hate Pixmania. I am in Spain and have no luck with any contact information. They were to send me mobile phone that I ordered. After taking my money I find out that they do not actually have the item in stock and it was outsourced to another supplier who gets the stock from China. It was going to be six weeks for me to get the item. I decided to cancel the order. They did this ok. I never received the item, however I also never got mymoney back. Still waiting 10 weeks later. Have phoned and emailed hundreds of times. They do not care. I cannot get any contact info. The website gives no contact info. These guys are cowboys
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